Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

428 - Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources

28534 - Financial and Tax Law

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
28534 - Financial and Tax Law
Faculty / School:
108 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y del Trabajo
428 - Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources
4 and 3 and 2
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview


Learning process

  1. Lectures.

  2. Practice sessions.

  3. Independent work of student and work adress.

5.2. Learning tasks



1. Lectures. 30 hours. 

2. Práctice sessions. 30 hours (per group). 

3. Self study of the student: 9 hours.  

4. Teacher's personal work (Work address): 30 hours.


5.3. Syllabus


1. Overview of taxes.

2. The tax on income of individuals.

3. Consumer taxes (VAT, ...)

4.The Transfer Tax and Stamp Duty.

5. The inheritance tax.

6. The regional taxes.

5.4. Course planning and calendar


The calendar and the programming of the theoretical meetings, practices of the subject and presentation of work will be communicate to the students to the beginning of the academic course.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources



Martín Queralt, J. M., Lozano Serrano, C., Tejerizo López, J. M. y Casado Ollero, G. Curso de derecho financiero y tributario (última ed). Madrid: Tecnos.

Martín Queralt, J. M., Tejerizo López, J. M., Cayón Galiardo, A. (Dirs.). Manual de derecho tributario: parte especial (última ed.). Cizur Menor, Navarra: Aranzadi.

Simón Acosta, E. (Coord.), Peña Velasco, G. de la y Falcón y Tella, R . Código tributario (última ed.). Cizur Menor (Navarra): Aranzadi.